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Free online training program, resources, tips and tools to assist service providers working with senior victims of crime

When seniors are affected by crime – whether it be exploitation, abuse, or other forms of violence, they can experience greater physical and mental injuries than their younger counterparts. Senior victims of crime also encounter barriers in reporting, accessing services and extreme isolation.

This training series will offer tools and tips to assist you in your work with senior victims of crime. Our goal is to help you better understand the complexities of working with seniors by identifying their diverse needs, recognizing indicators of violence and abuse, employing tailored intervention strategies, and providing referral services across various sectors.

Learning about how seniors are affected by crime and abuse can help build stronger communities, and positively impact the lives of survivors and victims. 

The training includes four modules tailored to various service providers. The modules will focus on:

  • An introduction to the issue of crimes against seniors
  • The perpetrators of abuse, and types of crimes that can occur 
  • Senior service needs and safety planning 
  • A continuum of care for senior victims of crime

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